Agreement of cooperation between University of Bielefeld and UNAM

Bielefeld will be part of a Graduate School on Industrial Biotechnology, which is supposed to start in the second half of this year. The Bielefeld part will concentrate on genome and postgenome research as well as on bioinformatics of microorganisms playing a role in Biotechnology. For the next three years, we will be able to start 10 fellowships per year. Each fellowship is planned for a period of three years, which gives Bielefeld the opportunity to offer fellowships to the students in Cuernavaca which have successfully finished their studies."
Dr. Alfred Puehler, Universitaet Bielefeld, Fakultaet fuer Biologie. [].

Late Summer School at the CeBiTec, Bielefeld University. 2009.


In the attachment file you can find the draft of an advertising poster which informs you on the plan to organize a Late Summer School in the field of "Advanced Techniques in Bacterial Genome Research" which will be held at the CeBiTec, Bielefeld University from September 28th to October 2nd, 2009.

The School is open for PhD students and posdocs. Applications comprising cv. and motivation letter should be sent before July 1st to Prof. A. Puhler.

[file] bielefeld_UNIBI-UNAM-agreement.pdf76.73 KB
[file] Draft_Announcement LSS.jpg655.53 KB