Who we are

The Center for Genomic Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), is located at the UNAM Campus in Cuernavaca, state of Morelos. On November 12th, 2004, the University Council approved the emergence of the Center for Genomic Sciences (CCG) instead of the former Nitrogen Fixation Research Center (CIFN) -- For more details, see "Our History" .

We are a relatively small group of researchers, organized in seven Programs or Laboratories, which encompass microbial and plant genomics, ecological research, and more recently, some aspects of human genomics. Microbial genomics includes projects on dynamical genomics in bacteria, evolutionary and functional genomics (proteomics and transcriptomics), genomics and bioinformatics of gene regulation and comparative bioinformatics. Eukaryotic genomics includes plant functional genomics, and more recently, genomic and proteomics research of the human genome. In addition, our research is performed in the molecular biology of interactions between bacteria and plants, microbial ecology and evolution and applied agriculture (for a description of what each Program does, see Research in the main menu).

We are strongly committed to education in genomics. Our programs are conformed by researchers, posdocs, technicians, as well as graduate and undergraduate students.