
Cuernavaca is the Capital City of the State of Morelos, Mexico. Located only 45 minutes from Mexico City (one hour and thirty minutes from the international airport) taking the Mexico-Acapulco expressway. Cuernavaca is world-wide known as "The City of Eternal Spring" due to its excellent template climate with an annual average of 20ºC.

The ancient name of Cuernavaca is "Cuauhnahuac" in Nahuatl which means "Place near or by the side of the groove". Founded seven centuries ago almost a mile high in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Today the Pyramid of Teopanzolco archaeological site in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. Teopanzolco rises in a residential neighborhood; a half-hour from where Mesoamerican high priests at Xochicalco studied astronomy in 600 A.D. and arranged the calendar. There, remain other vestiges from pre-Hispanic times such as a 14 ton. engraved stone called Chimalli, the great lizard carved in stone found at San Anton and the Chapultepec Eagle, only to name a few.

Until 1910, this state was the third major sugar cane producer world wide, after Hawaii and Puerto Rico, but peasants slaved without hope on the enormous sugar cane haciendas. When the Mexican Revolution began, most haciendas were burned to the ground. Some of them have been restored as luxury hotels.

Cuernavaca is a modern tropical city that hosts a score of scientific research institutes, and industrial park with over one hundred industries, seventeen universities and extensions of the National University In Mexico City, and a global assortment of retires diplomats, business executives and government officials. This casual city also attracts people who seek a sunny place for creative or intellectual inquiry where they can find cultural stimulation and spirited conversations. Residents have included Erich Fromm, Diego Rivera, Carlos Fuentes, Helen Hayes, Malcolm Lowry, Ivan Illich, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Barbara Hutton, Rufino Tamayo, David Alfaro Siqueiros, to name a few.